Welcome to Qotes Blog Post!

Posted on January 1, 2023 by Justin Case
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Welcome to Quotes Sharing Pictures, your source for inspirational and thought-provoking quotes paired with beautiful images. Our mission is to spread positivity, motivation, and wisdom through the power of words and visuals.

At Quotes Sharing Pictures, we believe that words have the ability to inspire and uplift, and we strive to curate a collection of quotes that resonate with people from all walks of life.

Whether you're seeking daily inspiration, looking for the perfect quote to share with your friends, or simply want to brighten your day, we have a diverse selection of quotes and images to explore.

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If you're going to lead a space frontier, it has to be government; it'll never be private enterprise. Because the space frontier is dangerous, and it's expensive, and it has unquantified risks.
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And under those conditions, you cannot establish a capital-market evaluation of that enterprise. You can't get investors.
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When you put money directly to a problem, it makes a good headline.
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When I look at the universe and all the ways the universe wants to kill us, I find it hard to reconcile that with statements of beneficence.